Thursday, March 17, 2016

3-21 to 3-25

Period 1 -  Reading 7 & 8 
  • Continue journal entries as a daily review - they are worth points
  • We will be continuing to read the book Hoot. Next quiz will be after chapter 15. Next test will be upon completion of chapters 1-20. Student must complete all questions for each previously red chapters.  At the end the questions will be collected and graded for 100 total points. All binders will be collected Wednesday and graded.
  • Test on Hoot will be Monday 3/21 tentatively.  If that doesn't fit our timeline it will be on Tuesday (the following day).  We will then watch the movie and work on some worksheets. 
  • Students must know plot line and how to label and fill each section in.
    • answer all questions in binders
    • all stories will be kept in binder except Novels which will always be kept in the classroom
    • students may sign out a novel and Holes has a read aloud available on YouTube
  • I will be looking for neat binders & neatly kept work in binders.
  • Make sure you get enough rest so you are awake for class.
  • If you are absent you need to use time before the first bell and during announcements to work on missing assignments.
  • short quizzes will be assigned throughout the book
  • make sure you know the parts of the plot line (introduction/exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, resolution, conclusion)
  • make sure you know the different points of view
* Reminder bring a book for SSR - Wednesday which starts 1st thing of class.
* also remember Friday's there is a homeroom before you come to class.

We will being reading short stories and possibly start Hatchet.

Wednesday, March 9, 2016


Period 1 -  Reading 7 & 8 
  • Continue journal entries as a daily review - they are worth points
  • We will be continuing to read the book Hoot. Next quiz will be after chapter 15. Next test will be upon completion of chapters 1-20. Student must complete all questions for each previously red chapters.  At the end the questions will be collected and graded for 100 total points.
  • We are coming to a close in our book.  Please remember discussion and questions asked during discussion will be considered participation and each student will receive points for contributing.
  • Students must know plot line and how to label and fill each section in.
    • answer all questions in binders
    • all stories will be kept in binder except Novels which will always be kept in the classroom
    • students may sign out a novel and Holes has a read aloud available on YouTube
  • I will be looking for neat binders & neatly kept work in binders.
  • Make sure you get enough rest so you are awake for class.
  • If you are absent you need to use time before the first bell and during announcements to work on missing assignments.
  • short quizzes will be assigned throughout the book
  • make sure you know the parts of the plot line (introduction/exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, resolution)
  • make sure you know the different points of view
* Reminder bring a book for SSR - Wednesday which starts 1st thing of class.
* also remember Friday's there is a homeroom before you come to class.

****March 17th- Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Period 2 - English 9 - co -taught with Mrs. Holman
  • Please click here for Mrs. Holman's homework helpline

Period 3 - American History 1 - co-taught with Mr. Darrah

Period 5 & 6 - Practical Literature & Practical English - co-taught with Mr. Smith

Period 7 - World Cultures -  co-taught with Mr. Cuthie


Period 1 -  Reading 7 & 8 
  • Continue journal entries as a daily review - they are worth points
  • We will be continuing to read the book Hoot. Next quiz will be after chapter 15. Next test will be upon completion of chapters 1-20. Student must complete all questions for each previously red chapters.  At the end the questions will be collected and graded for 100 total points.
  • My apologies for not posting last week - I had the flu.
  • Students must know plot line and how to label and fill each section in.
    • answer all questions in binders
    • all stories will be kept in binder except Novels which will always be kept in the classroom
    • students may sign out a novel and Holes has a read aloud available on YouTube
  • I will be looking for neat binders & neatly kept work in binders.
  • Make sure you get enough rest so you are awake for class.
  • If you are absent you need to use time before the first bell and during announcements to work on missing assignments.
  • short quizzes will be assigned throughout the book
  • make sure you know the parts of the plot line (introduction/exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, resolution)
  • make sure you know the different points of view
* Reminder bring a book for SSR - Wednesday which starts 1st thing of class.
* also remember Friday's there is a homeroom before you come to class.

Period 2 - English 9 - co -taught with Mrs. Holman
  • Please click here for Mrs. Holman's homework helpline

Period 3 - American History 1 - co-taught with Mr. Darrah

Period 5 & 6 - Practical Literature & Practical English - co-taught with Mr. Smith

Period 7 - World Cultures -  co-taught with Mr. Cuthie